
Lots of great things coming up in the summer and fall of '15: shows with my own group at Shapeshifter Lab and WhyNot Jazz Room, US college tours with Darcy James Argue's Secret Society presenting Brooklyn Babylon as well as his latest multimedia opus, Real Enemies, culminating in a week-long engagement at BAM's Next Wave Festival. I'm also looking forward to teaching at the Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR again, organized by the Goethe Institute. Another highlight will be the recording of composer/bassist Daniel Foose's new project, featuring a string quartet.
Last not least - I'm planning to record my third album for FreshSound/NewTalent Records, my recent music with a new quintet, so stay tuned for that...

KOAN - Secret Society - Moon Salutation - Shankar Tucker
October '13
I'm happy to announce a rare appearance of my KOAN quartet at SEEDS in Brooklyn (see 'shows' for details) on November 6th. Also looking forward to performances with Secret Society in Houston and a short Midwest/East Coast tour with clarinetist Shankar Tucker, playing Hindustani/Carnatic music.
Last not least, our collaborative quartet Moon Salutation has finished it's debut recording and is now looking for labels and booking a tour in Europe for fall '14.

October '13
Welcome to my all new website, thanks to the awesome guys at wix.com! Please keep checking in, there will be regular future updates... Thanks for reading!